The Green4C project has published a series of Market Outlooks identifying the need for professional training and education as key to driving innovation in the Green Care sector. In the last months, the Erasmus+ Green4C project elaborated four market perspectives, one for each thematic sector: Forest-based care, Green care tourism, Social agriculture, and Urban green …
Promoting Physical and Mental Health through Nature: utilisation of Green Care practices
The Green4C launch event in Ireland will focus on the promotion of physical and mental health through Green Care practices. Using a case-study approach, this online forum will present some practical examples of Green Care, with the aim to share best practices and promote the diffusion of this type of initiatives. In addition, our EU …
Promoting health through forests: different practices and benefits
Over the last 15 years, Green Care has emerged has a new and distinctive field of study and practice. However, while the benefits of nature on health and wellbeing have been known for centuries, it is only recently that they have been studied consistently. Green Care is an umbrella term that describes a wide range …
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Green Care: le aree verdi per il benessere, la salute, l’inclusione sociale
Il Green Care è un insieme di pratiche che utilizzano la natura e i suoi elementi per promuovere la salute delle persone. Queste pratiche hanno un’applicazione molto ampia e varia, includendo sia iniziative volte al miglioramento della salute fisica e mentale, sia azioni con fini educativi e di inclusione sociale. Per questo motivo il Green …
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