is part of the Green4C Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Green Care activities!
- Join As: Individual
- Name: Smaranda
- Surname: Filip
- Role: Student
- Main Sector: Private
- Specific Sector: Agriculture
- City: Wageningen
- Country: Netherlands
- Social:
- Apply As: Green4C Entrepreneur
- Interested In: Green Care
- Description: I am interested in the Green4C project because I believe in solutions that are both ecologically and socially sustainable. I am interested in how to combine social and ecological aspects and I would like to explore how to integrate nature-based solutions into our society. I would like to work in urban agriculture, especially in foodscaping projects. However, my interest is really broad. Having a background in soil science and agriculture, I have been working on projects related to social agriculture. I've also been interested in forest conservation and ecoturism projects back home in Romania.
Green4C can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to