Agriturismo Casali Santa Brigida

is part of the Green4C Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Green Care activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Organization
  • Name: filippo
  • Surname: carenza
  • Role: legal representative
  • Organisation Name: Agriturismo Casali Santa Brigida
  • Legal Status: limied liability company
  • Main Sector: Private
  • Specific Sector: Agriculture
  • Address: Via braccianese km 11.100
  • City: Roma
  • Country: Italy
  • Website:
  • Social:
  • Apply As: Green4C Entrepreneur
  • Interested In: Forest-based Care, Green Care Tourism
  • Description: Hello, I am Filippo Carenza, agronomist, General Manager of Agriturismo Casali Santa Brigida in Rome. My Organization is studying a welfare program based on forest Therapy for individuals and groups. Our specialized farmers take care of people in a special session of one, two or three days in the private forest of the farm. During these periods people live in oak forests and farmers carry out different activities. After and before the program we make some tests, for example, we check blood pressure, temperature, cardio, and we also measure the wellbeing of people.
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